Reasonable conditions on two bands
With an unexpected gap in my schedule I headed over to PAFF-002 (De Biesbosch), as it is one of the most wanted PAFF areas. It is a very beautiful park with lots of water situated in a densely populated area (near to Rotterdam).
On my way into the park I found out there was a lot of restructuring going on. This also affected the main road I had chosen. Losing a lot of time finding an operating spot I had about one hour left for the activation.
Operating spot @ PAFF-002 |
I decided to focus on two bands: 17m and 20m. The higher bands were too quiet, so 17m seemed like the best band with DX potential and 20m is the most lively band for WFF.
This meant giving up on 40m and possibly disappointing a couple of nearby stations (notably DL and ON) - sorry!
On 17m I was greeted by 40 OMs. DX came in from the east (JA, R0/9 and UN). Signals were okay but not too strong - mostly around 57. On 20m an early VE3 came by as well as more than 50 EU OMs.
All in all I worked 95 stations from 26 DXCCs in about one hour of radio time with the max QRB set to 8700km by a JA OM.
Gerard F1BLL, Luciano I5FLN, Lada OK2PAY and Oleg UX1IM came by on both bands.Thanks all for calling in.
Lars, PH0NO/P
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